Rabu, 07 Juli 2010


This genre can be equated with action movies. game in this game moving quickly and less attention to an interesting story line. players in this game usually has a reflex movement that quickly and accurately. usually, the game is themed weapons and a large and vicious enemy. This genre can be divided into several categories:

FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER: action games games where you see the world in first person view. character body parts you can see is usually the weapon in this pegang.game usually found in PCs, because mouse and keyboard to control movement with good character. however, this rear-First Person Shooter has also won fans among console.

THIRD-PERSON ACTION: This game type has several different themes. have played as a shootout game without thinking, there is also a need foresight and reflexes to solve puzzles such as finding hidden objects and solve problems.
FIGHTING GAME: This game contains the battle between characters, where you control the characters and engage in a fistfight against other players or computer. Such games typically have a movement or a step that requires pressing the button sequence, from simple to complex and require timing.tingkat vulgar violence of the game depends on game rankings.
TACTICAL SHOOTER: as the name suggests, this game requires more tactical capabilities than the usual shooter games. besides, this game is more realistic and requires teamwork to achieve goals. theme used is usually the anti-terrorist forces or the military who are in conditions of war that resembles the original. many argue this genre is the proper way to memehami conditions experienced by a real soldier, because as the original, one bullet can kill you.
STEALTH ACTION: unlike other games in the genre of action, this game aims to avoid enemy detection by using a variety of ways. This genre started by the game called metal gear solid, and its success encouraged other gaming companies to create similar games.

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